8 May, 2010
Last week we talked about problems with emails not sending, mainly due to large file sizes so we should look further at cameras and scanners which cause these large files. Modern cameras are making this problem worse because while they are taking better photos with more detail this is resulting in larger files sizes and now just one photo can be 5 to 10Meg in size. This is great if you are a desktop publisher and want high resolution for large prints but photos of this size will be impossible to email. You can keep them on you PC as large files but to email them you will need to resize. This can be complex to explain especially without screen shots so if you are having trouble resizing them then use the internet to Google “resizing photos for emailing” and follow the suggestions there (with screen shots). Scanners can also produce large files sizes & often it is because they are used at too high a resolution and / or even in full colour for a black & white document. This can result in a file size that can easily be 100 times larger than necessary. As a rough guide for most users, document scanning at 150DPI (dots per inch) in black & white is normally sufficient, with most photos also only needing 100 to 300DPI. It is only when scanning a really small image such as a negative that you want to enlarge that you will need settings up around 450 to 600DPI. As far as space on your computer is concerned it is rarely a user’s photos that take up too much room – unless you have thousands of high res photos. It is still normally music or movies that are the culprit as one movie can take up as much room as a thousand photos. Also remember to always keep a backup copy of your photos on either CD or an external hard drive – they should always be on two separate storage devices at any one time. Kerr Solutions is at 128 Musgrave Street & is contactable on 49 222 400.