Byte Me #35 A year of tech solutions and information

18 December, 2010

2010 is drawing to a close rapidly, so this will be the last article for the year – our next one will be on January the 15th.  So it may be worthwhile to look back at some of the more interesting tips / articles of the year.  Copies of these articles are available from the Morning Bulletin on Quay Street, the local Municipal Library or from Kerr Solutions on Musgrave Street.  Article #1 dealt with changing internet plans & how many of the  Internet Service Providers will leave you on more expensive / slower plans unless you check for yourself if you are on the latest.  #2 suggested that you only install software that is essential to your use as superfluous software will only slow your PC down.  #3 hinted that it is sometimes cheaper in the long run & a lot more legal to legitimately ‘buy’ music from places like iTunes – or the local music shop down the road, rather than downloading free illegal music and movies from the internet with their associated virus problems.  #4 talked about the importance of having a fast and simple backup of important data – even the family photos for a home user.  We also suggested that if you are storing information electronically then it should always be on two devices – not just one backup device.  #5 was all about printers. #6 focused on computer specifications and their relevance to performance. #7 informed readers about the essential use in Central Queensland of a UPS (uninterruptable power supply) and how even a brand new PC can become wrecked without one. #8 was about how good Windows 7 is. #9 was about Microsoft licencing and the associated costs as well as the differences between the home & business editions. #10 was about keeping the software safe that you have paid for.  #11 when is it time to upgrade your PC.  #12 & 13 dealt with file sizes and in particular scanning and appropriate resolutions.  #14 was about remote controlling you work PC from home or from a laptop when you are away from the office.  #15 explained broadband #16 & 17 focused on Internet banking fraud. #18 was an important article about IT ethics and the ultimate IT problem of computer hacking! #19 was again about backups, #20 introduced office 2010. #21 PC warranties #22 PC Maintenance #24 Internet browsers #25 servers, #26 CPU’s, #27hard drives, #28 wet weather & PC’s. #29 Faxing to/from your PC, #30 Virus avoidance, #31 LimeWire, #32 Christmas Emails, #33 Cable connections & #35 Computer brand recommendations.  Next year we look forward to a bunch of new articles and we also ask that if you have a particular PC topic that you would like explained, please contact the Morning Bulletin to ask that they pass on the suggestion.  Until then, Merry Christmas from Bruce and the team at Kerr Solutions.

2010-12-18 Byte Me Article 35 - A good year

  • February 18, 2014