22 January, 2011
So you’re a child or teenager and you want to know the answer to something – “just Google it” will be the reply from many people today. There is no doubt that the Internet has fast become the “authority” on every topic imaginable. When a question requires a ‘black & white’ answer there is no better source for historical and factual information, and when it comes to a ‘grey area’ the Internet can be relied upon for a myriad of personal opinions – from which you can then devise your own more informed opinion.
Encyclopedia sets are now redundant – no great loss unless you owned a publishing house, but what about the other previously main source of information (parents, teachers and your own peers)? I know we are an IT shop and we are supposed to endorse the use of computers & IT, but are they getting overused? We love to see businesses upgrade their computers and networks which results in them being able to get their work done more easily, efficiently & with a reliable backup. Even sorting out or replacing a home PC brings about a reduction of stress and frustration in the end user. However some of the social trends in our youth are very alarming.
An interesting article that I have just read (on the Internet again) at this address http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2376056,00.asp suggests that of 2200 interviewed families with kids between 2 and 5, a greater percentage could use a computer rather than know how to ride a bike!!! So while the majority of people reading this article in the paper will be close to my age (43) or older and will have already developed certain life skills – what is going to happen to todays 5 year olds with the rate of advancement of IT.
This is not ‘just’ a computer problem but includes all of the other ‘gadgets’ (iPhones, PlayStations, Xbox’s, etc). These devices are like a sponge to the young mind – even worse than TV, which needs administering in regulated doses by those that can (parents and teachers). Technology is a great thing, but kids still need bicycles, tennis, footy, sunshine, the beach and play in the back yard – what are your kids (or grandkids) doing right now? Kerr Solutions is at 128 Musgrave Street & is contactable on 49 222 400.