24 March, 2012
After spending good money, you have just got your new PC home or laptop and are happily typing up a document in the latest 2010 version of Microsoft Word. You probably ignored the message saying that you had xx days left of trial mode. The next thing after 30 days of ownership and after creating many documents and spread sheets your Microsoft Office products are not working and you find the ‘trial’ period has expired – what’s the go?
Unfortunately many people often get confused between Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. These are two entirely different products with the only similarity being that they are produced by the same company, they are just as different in fact as Hyundai making both cars and kitchen refrigerators! Microsoft Windows is an operating system which talks to the hardware in your computer/laptop and provides a platform onto which you can install other software. The latest Windows software is Windows 7 in around four flavours (including 2 for business) – we recommend the Windows 7 Professional Edition. Previously we recommended Windows XP Professional Edition, which was great in its day but is now becoming a little out-dated. Windows Vista was in-between XP and 7 and is the operating system that received some bad report.
When it comes to Microsoft Office, this software is NOT an operating system but rather just another ‘application’ which is the term most often used for software that performs a particular role. A virus scanner is an application, so is a photo editor and so is an email package. These are all examples of software applications that get installed separately onto the operating system (Windows). Some of these applications are free and some are charged for by their manufacturers. When it comes to Microsoft Office there are also several flavours and Microsoft NEVER gives any of their Office products away.
So in the case above where you are around 30 days into the use of a new PC and the Microsoft Office Trial has expired, you will have to spend more money to activate the software for further use. For the majority of our customers, we sell and recommend Microsoft Office 2010 Home & Business which includes Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and OneNote. This version can also be legally used in a business situation whereas some of the Office versions such as Home and Student are in fact illegal for use in a business. Be careful as many chain store salespersons don’t seem to have a clue about these restrictions and as a result many business owners are caught out with the wrong software. Kerr Solutions is at 128 Musgrave Street & is contactable on 49 222 400.