Byte Me Article 71 – All-In-One PCs Don’t Suit the Gamers, But Cut Out Clutter

– All-In-One PCs Don’t Suit the Gamers, But Cut Out Clutter

So should we call this article iByte and shall I type it on my iPad or my iMac while listing to iTunes through my iPod that are stored on my own iCloud.  Well, in this case – no.  I have typed this article on a normal computer while not listening to anything except the sound of the keys on the keyboard.  I do however have friends that would literally trade in their trusty old Toyota if Apple were to release an iCar – even if they had to learn how to drive all over again!  There is no doubt that Apple is on a winning streak with some of their devices and people are regularly endorsing them through their wallets.

Is Apple as visionary as the Apple aficionados would like to make out?  This is debatable as computers were always getting smaller and mobile phones were always getting smarter.  Although Apple certainly did pioneer the idea of an all-in-one PC, with less individual components and less cables which is the purpose of this article.  The Apple Mac or iMac that has evolved over the years has wooed customers with its visual simplicity and lack of cables.  If it had easily run a Windows operating system and Windows software applications there is no doubt that it would have been more popular too.

2012-04-28 Byte Me Article 71 - All-In-Ones

The good news is that traditional PC manufacturers have now caught up and are offering Windows based all-in-ones which are just as visually attractive and also cut back on the majority of cable clutter.  Manufacturers like HP and Asus have a range of all-in-ones (where the hard drive, ram and CPU are built into the back of the screen) that is very comprehensive and includes models with screens as large as 27” and options such as touch screens which work great in the point of sale arena. 

At home I have now switched to one of these and due to the large screen size it also offers HD TV reception, Blu Ray DVD capability, 1080p viewing, Wi Fi, a cordless Keyboard & Mouse, all of my normal Word, Excel, Outlook and Internet applications and even a remote control – wow, what a mouthful!

Buyers need to keep in mind that even though these all-in-one PC’s can be very powerful they are not as upgradable as a normal separate PC tower and they will not suit the avid computer gamers as high end graphics cards are not really an option.  Also beware that whereas previously you could just upgrade the computer box and keep the same screen with the all-in-ones you are upgrading the entire package every time you want more performance.  However, for someone wanting a neat home computer with all of the options and less of the clutter these all-in-one PC’s have become a fantastic solution.  We are now selling more of these each week and only see that trend continuing.

Future Byte Me topics can be emailed to [email protected] and Bruce is contactable at Kerr Solutions, 205 Musgrave Street or on 07 49 222 400.

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